Friday, August 29, 2014

When A Year Passes

Song of the Day: Mother and Father by Broods

If you have not checked out the above band before, I could not recommend them more highly. I am very excited to see what they have to offer in the times to come. I'm also a sucker for brother-sister duos.

Earlier today, my sister mentioned the fact that, a year ago today, I was down in the City for a visit. That visit was for two reasons: it was Labor Day, and a three day Labor Day weekend was a good excuse to come down; it was also the weekend of the anniversary of Lynn's passing.

When Julie said that, it got me thinking about the past year, and about how much has changed since then. It also had me thinking about how much has not changed. Bear with me as I walk down memory lane.

I always imagined life to be slow, gradual in nature, but I think it's fair to say that that was false. Now, I've come to realize that things happen in fits and bursts. Life is always going on, but the big events seem to come in clusters. In the span of the last year I have moved out of my parents' house. I have moved on from my old job at NYSIF and achieved a real, state job with benefits and a possible future in writing. I am using my college degree, and even the things I learned at the old office, at this new job. I am actively writing the book that I started before I even began puberty (no, I'm not exaggerating about that). My relationship with my girlfriend is wonderful, and every day with her is a new experience that helps us grow. And, I found out yesterday, I got a 100 on my CSEA Professional Careers Exam, opening who knows how many possible doors.

It's not all good. I've been diagnosed with obsessive compulsive disorder, general anxiety, and a mild form of depression. Learning to live with that is hard, and I continue to work on that every day. Some days, and weeks, are harder than others. I've had recent flare ups, but it has not been as bad as the spring and summer of last year was. That was a miserable time.

I've already written my posts about that.

But it's amazing to me to see how completely different this life is from one year ago. It's amazing to me to look into my life and wonder if I'm really looking at my own life, or into someone else's. Living on my own, working a completely different job, and discovering my devotion to my craft. Feeling like writing is a craft, or an art, rather than another thing that I just "have to do." I see this last year and all I can think is:

Man. I have a blessed life.

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