Saturday, October 8, 2011

An Initial Timeline: What I've Scoped Out So Far of the World's History

The Early Epoch - The Elder Ages - Epoch of the Void - The Automaton Age
The Longest Age, millions of years

0 - The First Yelrin, Eija and his brother, L’oilrin, are born from the womb of the void. L’oilrin spills out to become the dark sky of space, and Eija scatters to become the stars.

150 - Eija and L’oilrin form the third Yelrin (God), and name Her Hilmouth

278 - Hilmouth forms the world of Feldmoor with her earthen power

280 - Hilmouth claps her hands and, from a mighty wind, the fourth Yelrin, Glin, is born. When Hilmouth pulls her hands apart, the first waterfall spills out, and the fifth Yelrin named Grell comes into being. 

324 - Hilmouth takes two of Eija’s stars and turns them into the first fires, named Gir’alade.

389 - Glin, Grell and Gir’alade shape the surface of Feldmoor and bring life to it.

1800 - The final battle between Lobodrune and the Yelrin. She is defeated and broken into billions of pieces, becoming the spiders of the world. The Yelrin turn the Nest of Lobodrune into an island, in attempt to cover the evil with their good. The Species of Lobodrune, also known as the Underspecies, are put to First Rest in L’oilrin’s tree, which also becomes the Underworld Tree at the final will of Lobodrune, opening a connection between the living and the dead again. Lobodrune is dead, but his dark will still lives on. The hatred and fear of spiders by the humanoid species begins.

1803 - Thilad Rothan the Prophet of Eija is born

1806 - Ghilad Rothan, brother of the Prophet, is born

1823 - While in the Singing Caverns meditating on his unsuccessful life, Thilad is given a vision of Eija, who gives him his power and longevity. Thilad becomes the Prophet of Eija

1826 - In a similar fashion, while on a mountain, the Will of Lobodrune goes into Ghilad through the form of a spider bite. Ghilad becomes the Vessel of Lobodrune.

3172 - Drommein Hyginnos, head of Tribe Ager who would later become the Aggrians, first tells the story of The Automaton to his people.

5280 - Aiatoth the Bloodtooth is born in the Python Den. In his firstborn gluttony he devours the nest and flies off to find more food, beginning millions of years of havoc.

3,365,879 - Aiatoth enters his great sleep
First Yelrin Epoch - Epoch of L’oilrin

0 - Sallas Illyck Bridge is built after Dobbimuska’s triumph at Plasu Dobums. The establishment Muska Dibis marks the beginning of L’oilrin’s Epoch

32 - Sleptin Sinstare discovers non Gold-related alchemy and explores chimerism and homunculi, with unpleasant, though successful, results. Begins writing Goldless Uses of the Alchemical Arts.
Second Yelrin Epoch - Epoch of Hilmouth
102 - Contact reestablished between Kardigans and Aggrians. Disagreement rises on how man and nature should coincide

108 - Construction of Fort Drumline and Fayrpoint Wall begin at the command of King Vorodin.

240 - Fort Drumline and Fayrpoint Wall are completed after extensive work and rework

247 - The First Aggro-Kardigan Conflict breaks out.

253 - Kardigans push the Aggrian forces all the way back to Fort Drumline and the wall, but fail to break through the defenses in the Battle of Alchemists. After heavy losses, the Kardigans retreat and Aggrians push back, forcing further retreat. They regain all the lost territory and even up to Plasu Dobums. A tentative treaty is formed but relations remain strained.

Third Yelrin Epoch - Epoch of Grell
Note: events of The Longest Fall occur during this epoch.

1762 - Auron and Arlen are born on the same day.

1783 - Auron becomes crowned the King of Aggros

1793 - Arlen finds the Armor of Saints and discovers chimerism, bringing an end to the Sixth (and final) Aggro-Kardigan conflict of the Epoch of Grell.

1794 - The Golden Age of Aggros begins. The military issue comes into question.

1795 - The Merfolk Ring is found on the distant island of Arlyss. Arlen actively searched for this ring for years following the Aggro-Kardigan conflict, and his search for it awakens the Underworld Tree as well as a number of dormant races of humanoids that went to rest after being denied the Yelrins’ objects. Though these beings worship Arlen, his actions have begun a side epoch known as the Chaos of Arlyss, and Arlyss becomes nicknamed the Dark Land.

1800 - Arlen and Auron’s friendship ends, and the Civil Wars begin. Arlen calls upon the people of Arlyss to aid him.

1802 - August 5: Xealos Rodan is born amid bloody and angry war

1803 - The first fall of Arlen in the Arctic Circle, at the hands of Auron. He is sent to his previous castle, the Tower of Death, to serve out his punishment for eternity.

1823 -
August 5: Xealos, at age 21, wanders into an old chapel and finds the Fist of        Elements, stealing it and putting on. He is immediately arrested.
December 25: Xealos attempts to put on the Ring of Light resulting in the rebound of        his power. He gains brief incredible control over the elements and a view        of the world, driving him to remove flight and steam technology. This        sudden destruction in power becomes known as The Fallback and marks
      the end of the Third, and shortest, Yelrin Epoch.

Fourth Yelrin Epoch - Epoch of Glin
0 - The Fallback Epoch begins. Xealos heralds in the Fourth Epoch by using his godlike powers to remove the power of steam and flight technology from the world. The ages collapse and the world returns to what is called the Medieval Darkness.

0 - The Chaos of Arlyss continues.

Fifth Yelrin Epoch - Epoch of Gir’alade
Sixth Yelrin Epoch - Epoch of Eija
The After Epoch - The New Age - Second Epoch of the Void 

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