Monday, November 28, 2011

After forever, I return.

Well, I suppose I'm fairly new to the blogosphere, as I'm terrible at keeping things updated. I've been hard at work getting life back on track. The past few months have been a haze of (for want of less melodramatic phrasing) pain. Floating about with very little aim has left me fairly unsatisfied. But then a few things happened:

1. I saw (500) Days of Summer. For those of you who are struggling with a breakup, WATCH THIS MOVIE. My beloved sister bought it for me for my 22nd birthday, and she said "wait until November 19th, then watch it." November 19th would have been the second anniversary for me and my ex. The days surrounding it were horrible, but then on that day I watched 500 Days. It changed my perspective and allowed me to do something I had not yet done: cry. But not the desolate end of the world cry. Rather, a healthy, moving on kind of cry.

2. I stopped contacting my ex. Fo pa numero uno, right there. I needed to do that. After I relinquished my foolishly tight hold, I began to find happiness.

3. I almost got a job. Now I know for most of you the word almost might make you think "huh? what?" After all almost is not the same as getting it. I absolutely agree with this assertion, it is not the same. However, this was not just any job that I almost got. For going on six months, I have been working at The New York State Insurance Fund and while the people I've met there have helped change my life for the better and have brought me immense joy, the job itself... well, I won't go there. I made a promise to myself that I would not complain about the job until after I have moved on, and that is a promise I will stick to. Work is work. Money is money. And as long as I have access to Microsoft Word and music while at work (which, thank God, I do) then I'll survive. ANYWHO, this job was one located in New York City that would have been my way into television writing. I had sent in my resume and interviewed, but alas they went a different direction. What THRILLED me about this was the fact that I had had the guts to take a shot at something new - something that could push my life forward - and even though it didn't work out, it gave me hope for a brighter future.

4. Mylo Xyloto came out. Oh my Lord. This album. I will no doubt write a more in depth discussion about this album and its effect on me in the near future. Coldplay, in my opinion, outdid themselves. Such an uplifting album. And to hear Rihanna sing with Coldplay, and make a SPECTACULAR song... well, needless to say, this music was phenomenal. I first turned it on one day while I was at work, which might not have been wise, as I could not stop myself from dancing and I received many a strange look.

5. The big one. I have motivation again. In seven days, I have written nearly seven chapters of my novel. I have high hopes that I can finish it by New Years and begin to send it out. I have started to work on it while at my desk (hoping I won't get caught if God forbid I slip up and write a tad while not on break) and it has become something of an obsession of mine. It's nice that Tree in the Sky is finally taking off. Pun not intended there. Well. Maybe a little.

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